Tekin Hotwire 3.0
Unlock the full potential of your Speed Control with the HotWire 3.0 unit. Connect to Android or IOS devices using Bluetooth wireless technology without touching your car, or Windows computers and Android devices using the USB connection. The HotWire provides access to additional tools such as Data Logging, Adjustable BEC settings plus many more in-depth tuning options to fine tune the performance characteristics of your Speed Control. The HotWire also lets you create and share tweaks and entire track/condition specific profiles with other Tekin users. Best of all the HotWire lets you download* completely new software as it is developed and upload it to your Speed Control – you get unrestricted access to upgrade your Speed Control to Tekins latest and newest performance mods! Visit www.teamtekin.com to get the latest software updates for all your Tekin products.