ZooRacing .7mm Hard Wing set
ZooRacing.7mm Hard wing set. Includes DBX, Hellcat and Baybee wing
Zooracing ANTI. New High performance TC Body
ZooRacingZooRacing ANTI 190mm touring car body ANTI is ZooRacing´s new high-performance touring car body. Developed from the experience with the super succ...
View full detailsZooracing Baybee
zooracingBAYBEE 190mm touring car body shell The BAYBEE body shell for 190mm touring cars is Zoo Racing’s latest high performance touring car lid. It is...
View full detailsZooRacing BWOAH GT Body (Select .07 or .05 material)
ZooRacingThe first thing that comes to your mind? BWOAH! ZooRacing is known for creating extraordinary things. BWOAH is meant to fit into this realm as we...
View full detailsZooRacing Dogsbollox DBX TC Body
ZooRacingZooRacing DOGSBOLLOX ZR-0005-07 standard zooracing DOGSBOLLOX zr-0005-05 ultralight DogsBollox ZooZilla 190mm touring car body shell The DogsBo...
View full detailsZooracing GOAT 190mm Touring Car body.
ZooRacingGOAT 190mm touring car body - ZR-0016 GOAT is ZooRacing´s new high-performance touring car body. Developed from the experience from the super su...
View full detailsZooracing Gorilla FWD Body (.07 and .05, Select in menu)
ZooRacingZooRacing GORILLA ZR-0008 Gorilla 190mm FWD body shell The Gorilla body shell for 190mm FWD touring cars is ZooRacing‘s latest 1/10th scale o...
View full detailsZooracing Gorilla MAX
ZooRacingZooRacing ZR-0017 Gorilla MAX 190mm FWD body shell Introducing the Gorilla MAX, the pinnacle of 1/10th scale on-road body shells from ZooRacing....
View full detailsZooRacing Hellcat TC Body
ZooRacingThe Hellcat body shell for 190mm touring cars is ZooRacings fourth and latest touring car lid. The goal was to create a more efficient body with...
View full detailsZooracing Panterra TC Body ZR0019 ***Pre-Order***. These will ship out to customers late next week.
ZooRacingPanterra is ZooRacing’s latest high-performance body, engineered specifically for modified racing, where precision, speed, and handling are paramou...
View full detailsZooRacing Wolverine MAX TC Body
ZooRacingWOLVERINE is ZooRacing’s newest high-performance body on the market. It’s been designed with our newest insights in mind to make WOLVERINE even fas...
View full detailsZooRacing ZooDiac USGT Body (.07, .05 or .10 weight, Select in menu)
ZooRacingZooDiac 190mm GT body shell The ZooDiac GT body shell for 190mm touring cars is ZooRacings latest high performance 1/10th scale on-road body shel...
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